Signature and Encryption Options for OAuth 2.0 and OIDC — part 1
Identity standards have been streamlined and made more accessible. OAuth 2.0 and OIDC (OpenID Connect) offer many options to transfer personal data across internet services. This is very popular with social media but also on-line retail, health, banking, or in other words, anything online. Data travels from centrally held user stores across to multiple parties, or between different services of a single legal entity.
These protocols work by exchanging JWTs (JavaScript Object Notation Web Tokens) that is essentially a data representation. This data content can be used to access user information (OAuth 2.0), or it can carry identity information itself (OIDC). This information needs to be trusted and secure. Respectively signature and encryption provide reliable solutions. But there are many options and therefore the question is how to make a rational selection.
This article discusses how to select signatures. A follow up article will address encryption. In the following sections I talk about signatures supported by the OAuth 2.0 and OIDC standard: HMAC, RSA, and EC — respectively Hash Message Authentication Code, Rivest Shamir Alderman (a.k.a. private/public key encryption), and Elliptic Curve (i.e. keys derived from said curves).
Token Signatures
Let’s look at the signature algorithm available first, and then I will discuss their properties and particularities. Table 1 shows the IETF¹ standard signatures. Or more formally: JWA (JavaScript Object Algorithms) for JWS (JavaScript Object Notation — Web Signature) which we can use to sign OIDC or OAuth 2.0 tokens.
This Table 1 is not easy to take all in, in fact it is copy/paste of the IETF documentation (so not bedside reading material), so let’s break it down a bit. Looking at the supported signature solutions we can recognise the three types of signatures: HS[xxx], RS/PS[xxx], and ES[xxx] respectively corresponding to three families: HMAC, RSA-SSA (RSA, Signature Scheme with Appendix), and ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm).
So I would like to compare the different algorithms from performance and security levels. I consider the following characteristics:
- Security level: the strength of a cryptographic primitive or function². It measures the number of operations necessary to be able to compromise the security.
- Performance and time complexity: The time complexity reflects the number of operations necessary to run the encryption or decryption. The time complexity is affected by the encryption algorithm and the input size. Therefore we need to make sure that input size is identical for a fair comparison.
As I am not a cryptographer the strength analysis is not explored in any depth. The actual intent is to review performance of secure solutions for the different types of algorithms so that it becomes easier to make an informed decisions and select the best options given any use case. When it comes to signatures the most important characteristic is whether an attacker can forge that signature or not. We do not want keys to be guessed, nor do we want fraudulent messages to be granted legitimacy by reusing previous signatures in clever ways.
For comparison purposes I reduce the strength of algorithms to their theoretical robustness ignoring attacks on implementation, or hardware flaws. This gives me a very black and white view, either a solution is acceptable, or it is not.
In choosing a signature algorithm for OAuth 2.0 and OIDC tokens we want to select one that is secure but also fast. To obtain performance data I implemented the signature algorithm on my laptop. For reference here is the processing power available:
2,4 GHz Intel Core i9 8 cores — T2 Hardware Encryption Acceleration chip (no specification details known)
Tests presented here computing signatures for a string of 250 characters which is roughly representative of an OAuth 2.0 token, or an OIDC token. The size is always the same for every algorithm presented here. The test runs measure the time needed in seconds for the laptop to perform 1 million signatures, and 1 million verifications.
The first diagram Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the performance for signing and verifying messages comparing the three types of algorithms head to head (note two variations of the RSA algorithm are represented which means four algorithms are on the diagrams). Note that the HS256 algorithm does not show on the diagrams because its response time is so fast the bars can hardly represent it. Already it is obvious that the most performant is the hashing solution both for signing, and verifying. This shows also very clearly that asymmetric algorithms can be divided into two categories: solutions that are fast to sign (e.g. ES256), but slow to verify, or slow to sign (e.g. RS256 and PS256), but fast to verify.
The following sections describe in more details the different options available for each type of signature.
HS[xxx]: HMAC based signatures
An HMAC signature is using hashing algorithms. In particular the algorithm used is called SHA for Secure Hash Algorithm. In SHA[xxx] the number (xxx) reflects the output size of the hash. The SHA family of algorithms needs an input key and message, and in output it produces a hash. The security level of this is related to the size of both the secret, and the output hash size. It is considered to be the lesser of the two. E.g. a SHA256 hash with a key size of 256 bit offers 2²⁵⁶ brute force “options”. This is already considered fully resistant. But a SHA256 hash with a key size of say 64 bit (e.g. your secret is “password”) gives 2⁶⁴ possibilities, and that might be brute forced. The important thing to remember is to choose a key size at least as big as the output size so you do not dumb down security.
Note there are possible attacks against hashing techniques in different contexts such as passwords (rainbow tables, collisions, etc…). However HMAC signatures are a different scenario altogether which is much harder to attack because messages cannot be random like with a collision, and so even finding a collision alone does not help an attacker.
This means you and I can go ahead and trust any of the SHA-2 algorithms (all three belong to this sub-family of SHA algorithms). Next I need to know how much CPU is required to compute the signatures. In the case of HMAC this depends on the key and output size, but the complexity grows linearly therefore the time complexity is often simplified with the O(n) notation. Here are some results from the tests I ran on my laptop (making sure the key size is simply as big as the output size).
Surprisingly, Figure 3 shows no significant difference in the time required to compute an HMAC 256 hash to any other hash. It is possible that some hardware/encryption acceleration is responsible for this levelling up.
As expected verification times are roughly the same as signing because it is the same operation… In just under 2 seconds the laptop was able to sign or verify 1 million messages regardless of which SHA-2 flavour was selected.
RS/PS[xxx]: RSA based signature
The RSA-SSA signature is leveraging the private and public keys scheme. Let’s spend one minute clarifying one possible source of confusion here. There are two variations of this algorithm supported by the IETF JWA (i.e. the signatures) standard, namely the PKCS v 1.5 (Public Key Cryptographic Standards) and PSS (Probabilistic Signature Scheme). In the top Table 1 they are referred to as RS[xxx], and PS[xxx]. The former is the original standard, and the latter has added security including salt which makes the verification of the signature a little bit more complicated (for programmers). Therefore these are both RSA algorithms, and the PSS one is more robust, but generally speaking PKCS is considered safe enough — for signatures — by authoritative organizations (e.g.IETF³) or by the literature.
The security level of the algorithm is also related to the key size. Frequently used key sizes are 1024, 2048, or 4096 bits. However real strength of RSA algorithms is extremely difficult to express even with a solid maths degree (which I don’t have) therefore the values are basically there to compare orders of magnitude between each key sizes. Unfortunately this does not really reflect how robusts those options really are in the real wide wild cyberworld. What is known for sure is that computer power is closing in on key sizes under 1024 bits, in fact those keys are considered insecure full stop. At the time of writing published academic material demonstrate that key sizes of 829 bits can be cracked⁴; reportedly achieved with the following hardware:
2700 core-years, using Intel Xeon — Gold 6130 CPUs (2.1GHz)
Therefore the recommendation for the RSA algorithm is to not use key sizes of 1024 bits so, what are the options? Traditionally computer programmers have a particular affection for 2x values and would traditionally jump from 1024 to 2048 and then to 4096. It is more about conventions than anything else. We know however that key sizes of 2048 bits are considered safe (but only until 2030 apparently⁵), still if for whatever reason you think future proofing is important you may select larger keys of 4096 or more if your servers can take the hit (during these tests I found that keys of 4096 bit took about four and a half times longer to produce a signature than the 2048 bit keys). In the end you may find that a stronger key size is a futile protection anyway given the recent progress in quantum physics — but who knows. Figures 4 and 5 show a comparison of the time it takes on the same laptop to compute RSA based signatures of sizes 2048 (remember 1024 is not safe). As you can see PKCS, and PSS have very comparable performance capabilities with the expected minor hit on PSS results.
A striking measurement is the RSA signature verification. No matter how big the key is, verification is extremely fast. This will make it a popular choice for OAuth 2.0, and OIDC clients. Both RSA algorithms can verify 1 million signatures between 44 and 56 seconds. In testing it shows that the verification duration seems to increase linearly with the size of the key. I.e. double the size of the key and you roughly double the time it takes to verify a signature.
ES[xxx]: Elliptic Curve Signatures
Finally Elliptic Curve signatures. Again, reporting on theoretical strength. I refer to the comparison value tables which is reported by OpenSSL⁶. It shows that the least strong of HMAC signatures (HS256) with a 2²⁵⁶ possible combinations is as good as the best Elliptic Curve P-521. Nonetheless P-256, and P-384 curves are considered robust to brute force attacks.
When it comes to performance however things are more interesting. Signing with any EC-DSA with curve P-256 takes half the time compared to RSA with a 2048 bit key, and the strength is equivalent. If we select a stronger curve either P-384, or P-521 performance drops significantly (see Figure 6) but the equivalent key strength in RSA would have to grow beyond reasonable proportions for most cases. Indeed P-384 is equivalent to a 7680 bit RSA key, and P-521 to a 15360 bit RSA key. Therefore — like for like — ECDSA consistently performs better at signing.
Verifying a signature on the other hand takes an awfully long time, it is slower than signing with an RSA key and therefore can be a real showstopper if you are on the verifying end of the protocol.
Algorithms that are standard under the IETF guidance are considered safe so long as the key size is chosen appropriately. Asymmetric solutions are practical where third parties are involved because of the public key publishing mechanism. Keys are publicly available through a standardised URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) known as JWKS (JavaScript Object Notation Web Key Set) and therefore no prerequisite setup is necessary.
Elliptic Curves with key sizes of 256 bits are considered as robust as RSA keys of size 3072 bit⁷. However given the drop in performance one has to be careful to choose the correct key size in relation to expected traffic. The main trouble with this encryption is that there are many concepts to grasp and that poor implementations will lead to flawed security. Therefore choosing this solution demands that you use skilled people to validate your implementation.
RSA algorithms are easier to implement and are frequently used. It is a de-facto choice and when it comes to JWKs (JavaScript Object Notation Web Keys) a self signed key is all you need provided that your communication is already over HTTPS. The size of the hash (i.e. SHA256, SHA384, or SHA512) hardly matters at all since it is only used to re-enforce integrity and even SHA256 is considered robust enough (2¹²⁸ resistance to collision), there is no impact on performance either. Therefore the only key size that really matters for RSA is the asymmetric one.
Quantum capable monster machines will probably break asymmetric cryptography sooner or later, RSA or Elliptic Curves but we do not know when. Therefore choosing a key size beyond 2048, or 256 bits respectively is an attempt to protect data beyond the horizon of 2030 provided quantum computers do not come first. So, unless the data sent will be sensitive even beyond the decade it would not be increasing security that much. Finally hashing algorithms are reportedly more resistant⁸ to quantum crypto-power than asymmetric options.
As for SHA-2 signatures, they are the most performant keys but as you need to exchange a secret with the party verifying the signature the implementation is not always easy. In some controlled environments it might be a sensible choice, e.g. an all internal deployment.
So factors such as the amount of traffic, how long does privacy matters for, how much computer power is available, or how near capacity is a full deployment may have an impact on which signature algorithm is used. And hopefully by now table 1 will make more sense to the non cryptographers amongst us.
Thanks to Ali S, and Christian B who helped me with both part 1 and 2 giving me invaluable advice.